
本店於99年7月中啓業,以家庭形式經營,出品富有漁村風味,擺脫一般酒樓的濁氣。 而且位於西貢郊區中的一個漁村內,可以為旅遊及行山人士提供一處歇息和充電的好地方; 客人可以於柔和的海風中,一邊欣賞漁村景色,一邊品嚐美味海鮮,完全享受大自然,實是人生一樂事。

本店與別不同的地方在於海鮮的來源,我們的海鮮大多數是來自本地漁民,第一時間搜羅他們剛捕捉回來的海鮮, 如花蟹、泥猛、瀨尿蝦、蜆、龍蝦、魷魚......等等;全都是經心挑選,價廉物美。

About Us

Our seafood restaurant is family-run and starting business in Mid-July 1999. The fishing village style is different from the atmosphere of the ordinary restaurant. The location of our seafood restaurant is at Sai Kung. Provided a renue for tourists and hikers for resting or relaxing. The guests can enjoy the soft wind and beautiful scenery with the tasteful seafood. It is really enjoyable in such natural environment.

Our seafood restaurant is unique in its supply of seafood. Most of our seafood. E.g. Crabs, Prawns, Clams, Lobsters, Squids, Fish come from local fishermen and deliver to our restaurant at the very first time. Therefore the seafood can be provided freshly at very reasonable price.