Yau Ley Seafood Restaurant located in High Island Sai Kung. We have a small pier here. Visitors can come to
our restaurant by boat or on foot. There are different ways to come:
乘車 By Taxi |
Visitors can hire a taxi from Sai Kung Pier. Direct the driver go to the Pak A Road that is near the High Island Reservoir.
Then, according to the road sign, down the hill to Pak A. Next, walk about 20 minutes
will see a split. Go the way to Tung A Sha Kiu, visitors will arrive at our restaurant after passing the Tin Hau Temple and the smallest school to Sha Kiu Village. The whole trip will cause abount 45 minutes. |
快艇 By mosquito craft |
於西貢碼頭自僱快艇前往,船程約18分鐘,十分快捷方便,且刺激好玩。(單程費用: 1-8人約$800)
Visitors can take a mosquito craft from Sai Kung Pier. The journey needs 18 minutes. This way is very fast and exciting.
(The price for single journey: 1 - 8 person about $800)
租船 By Boat |
Visitors can hire a traditonal boat or pleasure boat from Sai Kung Pier. The journey will pass most famous scenes such
as Kau Sai Chau, Wong Yi Chau, High Island Reservoir, Tai She Wan. The whole journey is about 50 minutes.
The price is depent on how many poeple share the total cost. We have a small pier, so the boat can stop at our pier. This
way is very convenience. |
行山 On Foot |
Starting from Pak Tam Chun(Maclehose Trail stage one) to High Island Reservoir about 1 hour 40 minutes.
After arrive Pak A Road, according to the road sign, down the hill to Pak A. Next, walk about 20 minutes
will see a split. Go the way to Tung A, visitors will arrive at our restaurant after passing the Tin Hau Temple and the smallest school.
Otherwise, You can take a green taxi from Sai Kung to High Island Reservoir East Dam GeoPark (price around $180), and then go to Yau Ley Seafood Restaurant from GeoPark via Pak Lap. (takes about 90 minutes walk)